SEN children and parents refresh the Guinness Record for "The Most Toy Cars Assembled Record"
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of Heep Hong Society, the Heep Hong Society 60th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony cum Autism Awareness Week was held in the atrium of D‧PARK on 2 April, which is the World Autism Awareness Day. Staff from different departments and centres formed Preparatory Committee and cooperatively organised this meaningful carnival.
It was an honour for us to have invited Miss Charmaine LEE, JP, Director of Social Welfare, to attend the occasion. The Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission, Mr CHU Man Kin, IDS, the Chairman of the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, Mr Fung Pak Yan, BBS, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Mr Chua Hoi Wai, JP, the Chairperson of The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, Mr Cheung Wai Leung, BBS, MBE, QGM, MA, Principal Assistant Secretary (Special Education), Ms Ho Mo Ki, also attended the ceremony. Artist Mr Albert Au and the emcee Akina Fong shared their experience of taking care of special needs children. Our inclusive band MUS-INC also sang motivational songs live at the event.
A series of celebration events will be held, ranging from 60th Anniversary Drama and Music Performace, Heep Hong Charity Sports Fun Day, 60th Anniversary Conference, 60th Anniversary Carnival and the list goes on.
To commemorate the 60th anniversary of Heep Hong Society, around 200 special needs children from our Society and their parents refresh the Guinness Record for "The Most Toy Cars Assembled Record" at the event by using 2,360 toy buses to form the number “60” under the witness of the Guinness Record. We want to express our gratitude to Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited for donating 3,100 toy buses and holding a charity booth. All donations go to the Children and Youth Training Fund of Heep Hong Society to provide training and support to children and adolescents with special needs.